Rocky Mountain Five Dance
Policies and Rules
RM5 Pro/Amateur Guidelines
No Professionals competing as amateurs.
Professionals: must currently be competing as a Pro or have competed as a Pro in Ballroom, Latin, Swing, Hustle and Country.
Amateur: has never competed as a Pro, and is not competing as a Pro in any dance category or competition; you are allowed to be teaching and receiving monetary compensation.
West Coast Swing Competitions: Jack & Jill's, Strictly's, will adhere to and be judged according to the WSDC Rules and Guidelines.
Hustle Competitions: Jack & Jill's and Strictly's will adhere to and be judged according to the RM5 Guidelines.
Competition Divisions: Pro-Am Strictly, Pro-Am J&J, (Cha Cha, Salsa, and NC2 dances are judged according to RM5 Guidelines. WCS will be judged according to the WSDC Guidelines. Hustle will be judged according to the RM5 Guidelines); Showtime Cabaret will be judged according to the RM5 Rules and Guidelines: The RM5 Competitions and dance styles in this paragraph to include: WCS, Hustle, Cha Cha, NC2 and Salsa. Dance styles in the Cabaret Division include but are not limited to: Any American or International Rhythm or Smooth Dance, Hip Hop or Freestyle.
Novice Dancer : 0-24 months dancing; no more than 10 competitions. (Bronze)
Intermediate Dancer : 24-48 months dancing; no more than 20 competitions. (Silver)
Advanced Dancer: 48+ months dancing; 20 competitions or more. (Gold)
All Star Dancer: an accomplished competitor; multiple 1st, 2nd or 3rd placements in Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of competition.
Pro-Am Competitors: all placement of level danced in, is at teacher’s and dancer's honest discretion according to RM5 Dance Rules and Policies.
Pro-Am Strictly Competitors: Competitors may compete in different dance levels (novice, intermediate, advanced) based upon your knowledge and skill level of the dance style in which you wish to compete. For example, you may compete as a Novice in Hustle, Intermediate in Salsa and Advanced in WC Swing. Placement of levels in all 5 dance styles should be made according to RM5 Dance Policies & Rules, with consideration by you and your dance instructor. With this policy in mind, we strongly encourage you to expand your experience and compete in all five dances. On the Registration page, simply select the proper category (level) for each style of dance in which you are competing.
Showtime Cabaret (Open): This is the only competition at RM5 that is open to any style of dance: ballroom, latin, swing, hustle, hip hop, etc. You may choose one dance, or a combination of dances, in one routine. Example: a Bolero routine, or, a combination of Cha Cha and Bolero; a Swing routine, or, a combination of Swing and Hustle. This Division will be a combination of Showcase and Classic. Lifts and drops are allowed. Each routine must be a minimum of two minutes in length, and no longer than three minutes. Costumes are recommended, and will count toward scoring. This Division is for Pro-Pro and Pro-Am competitors.
Rising Star: (Amateur - No Pros ) This division is
designed for the first time competitor, or, competitor
who would like to dance against Novice, Intermediate
and Advanced competitors. (You may be a Teacher,
receiving monetary compensation, but you may not be
competing as a Pro in any dance category).
Each routine must be a minimum of two minutes in
length, and no longer than three minutes. Lifts and
drops are allowed. Costumes are recommended, and
will count toward scoring.
All Competitors: Will be judged on timing, technique, teamwork, lead and follow, footwork, synchronized movement, musicality, personality.
Salsa: Breaking on one or two is permitted. Proper Salsa/Mambo rhythm must be maintained.
Night Club Two: You may start on the slow or the quick; which is the one or the three. The proper NC2 rhythm must be maintained; which is slow-quick-quick or quick-quick-slow.
Cha Cha: You may start on the one or the two; one to the side, two breaking forward. Always maintaining proper Cha Cha rhythm which is; one, two, three, four & one, two,three.
West Coast Swing: Swing is defined as an American Rhythm dance based on a foundation of 6-beat and 8-beat patterns that incorporate a wide variety built on 2-beat single, delayed doubles, triple and blank rhythm units. Although they are not part of the foundation of the dance as stated above, 2-beat and 4-beat extension rhythm breaks may be incorporated to extend a pattern, to phrase the music, and/or to accent breaks.
Hustle: A dance form using and combining the creative elements of circular rotation, slotted movement, elliptical rotation, traveling movement, visual lead and follow within the rhythm and timing of the dance which is: one, two & three or, & one, two, three. Basic will be defined as a ball change movement followed by two even steps. Proper Hustle rhythm must be maintained.
Pro-Am Competition: Professional competing with an amateur. (Strictly) All competitors will be judged on their ability to lead and follow material, based on the RM5 All Dance Competition Rules as stated above.
All Open Routine Competitions: Because this is an Open division, you may be competing against multiple dance levels. Competitors will be judged according to your dance level. Example: a Novice competitor will be judged at a Novice level; an Advanced competitor will be judged at an Advanced level.
Pro-Am Routines (Open): Professional competing with an amateur. All levels will be competing: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. This is a great comp to show off with a choreographed routine, or two, with your Pro. You may compete in one or more routines. Entrances, exits, lifts, aerials, and drops are permitted. All lifts, aerials, and drops are performed at your own risk; liability is your own.
Jack & Jill : A random pick of partners. WCS: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, two age categories: Adult Division (18+), Master's Division (50+); Hustle: OPEN, all dance levels and all ages compete at the same time (Novice-Pro). and Junior's Division (age 17 & under). Juniors will be paired with each other for competition.
All American Jack & Jill : A random pick of partners. OPEN competition in West Coast Swing; all ages and all dance levels compete at the same time.
Pro-Am Jack & Jill: A random pick for a Pro partner.
Strictly Competition: Dancing with your partner of choice.
Pro-Am Strictly Competition: Dancing with your Pro partner.
Master's Divison: Both competitors must be age 50 or over.
*Policies and Rules are subject to change.